Copyright © Tie Tours 2000
Boy meets girl and a love story has begun. Radin is a refugee and has lived in England for the past eight years, where he was thrown into a world that prejudices him. In his first year at university he meets Maxine, the girl of his dreams. Maxine was born in England and, unlike Radin, suffers racism at 100 metres away. Both Radin and Maxine are searching for their identities in the melting pot of urban Britain. James, who was also born in England and fancies Maxine, is upset about the ensuing relationship and we see his unconscious racism forced up to the surface. Other people are just upset about who they are. Radin suffers flashbacks and draws parallels to some of the horrors he faced in his homeland before being forced to become a refugee. Will Radin's charm win his girl? Will Maxine be able to shake off the attentions of James? Will they both escape the uneasy conflict and disharmony bubbling around them and seeking them out?
33 Skins is at the cutting edge of theatre in education. We use a fusion of styles including song, dance, mime, storytelling and music. This show deals with the issues and highlights the problems in a way that is informative and fun. This show does not offer solutions, it just tells it as it is.
In the wake of the Stephen Lawrence inquiry, the Brick Lane, Brixton and Soho bombings, and schools being described as 'institutionally racist. We believe 33 Skins is a vital tonic that will enable us to start talking about the issues involved, in what can be a complicated and awkward debate. We have tried to uncover a few layers, rather than attempt to cover all aspects of racism, of which there are obviously many. There are many ways to tackle racism, but none will have any lasting effect unless we are able to educate our children. We can start this process by asking ourselves a few questions, challenging our own racism, and facing our own ignorance.
"I was enraptured throughout the performance ... real issues were brought to life not only in an overt way, but also the covert racism that exists both in society and the individual" - Marlies Puentener, Professional Supervisor and Trainer.
"33 Skins was the most brilliant performance, the students were enthralled by it, please, please come again soon, thank you" - Natasha Davis, Senior Counscellor, Hendon College.
"The show was brilliant, the performers engaging, and we want you back" - Alan Lindsay, Head of Drama Theale Green Community School.
"I keep booking show after show from you people, and they are all so good. How do you keep on doing it?!" - Graham Jimpson, Head of Lewisham Youth Service.
"The audience have never been so engaged before. Brilliant" , - Dorell Ollebar, Norwood Rehab Centre
"This very good and energetic performance deals with important issues and needs to be in schools" - Carole Hunte, Head of Islington Ethnic Minority Achievement Centre.
"This show helps children tackle racism" - Greater London Radio (GLR).
Local Authorities or other groups may book this for a minimum 2-week run during which time we can perform up to 10 shows and 10 workshops for you.